Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sweet Boy

These are just a couple of sweet pictures of my sweet boy. I've been trying to capture the color of his eyes but they usually show up darker in photos. In the second picture here you can see how they are lighter in the middle and darker around the edges.

Facing Out

Amos likes to face out and see the world these days. And Daddy found a way to do it where he could keep his hands free to do things like make Amos have happy feet.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dancing on the Boppy

Amos was being super happy and dancing on his boppy. I believe this was on Thursday after he had had his picture taken at Olan Mills where he pooped on his Dad and even managed to get a drop of it on the floor. So much for going out to eat afterwards... Well, we just had to add in swinging by the house so Dad could change pants. We were embarrassed but I'm sure it wasn't the first time they had seen that. I think we will start keeping a change of clothes in the car. We always pack extra clothes for Amos but I guess it wouldn't hurt for us to have some too.

Bath Time in a New Location

We decided to try bath time in our bathroom since Amos likes to splash so much. We had been doing it at the kitchen sink but the water gets everywhere including the counter, floor, walls, cabinets, under the edge of the counter, etc. He really likes bath time. For the first part he usually just gets really quiet and his eyes get big and he just enjoys it silently. Then once he settles into it he really moves and kicks and smiles.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Two-Month Pediatrician Visit

Amos had his two-month pediatrician visit yesterday and is doing fine. He got two shots and an oral vaccine. He weighs 12 lbs., 4 oz. and is 23.5 inches long (originally he was 7 lbs., 9 oz., and 21.5 inches). He barely noticed the first shot and with the second one he screamed for less than ten seconds and went right back to eating.

He wasn't extraordinarily fussy or anything after the shots, although he did go to work with Mommy that day and was okay the whole time except for when he had to go back in his car seat and pitched a fit (he doesn't like getting into his car seat). Lisa's coworker Julia came by and helped quiet him with swaddling, shushing, and side lying. Then later Lisa left Amos with Daddy for a few hours to attend another work function.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy Halloween

This is Amos the bat with Abigail the pumpkin. They were born on the same day. Abigail is about eight hours older than Amos.
Amos helped me give out Halloween candy. It is a pretty big deal in our neighborhood so we had lots of visitors. At first he was finishing up nursing so he was snuggled in and hidden securely under the Hooter Hider (That's a brand name as two of my uncles can attest, not my own nursing slang... That story will have to be told in another post.). Anyway, once Amos finished eating (or rather, drinking, since Claire informed me that we don't eat milk, we drink it) he was in a good mood and was gladly greeting all of the little witches, zombies, supermen, and other questionable characters that came to the door. One of our favorite jokes was to answer, "Trick or treat?" by placing candy in each child's bag saying "treat, treat, treat, treat..." and for the last one "baby" as I held Amos over the candy bag dangling his feet in the bag if I could get close enough. Most of them just laughed. Some of them resisted. One boy said, "Ewe, no way!" but then he reconsidered in light of his character and admitted that if he really were a zombie he would actually prefer the baby over candy.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Amos likes it when Daddy plays the piano for him.

Story Time

Amos likes it when Daddy reads to him.

Mommy's Favorite Diaper (and baby)

There is nothing cuter than a baby in cloth diapers. This is one of my favorite ones at the moment (diaper and baby).

Little Pumpkin's Little Patch of Long Hair

Amos has a little patch of long hair that sticks up sometimes but it doesn't always show up in photos. If you look closely you can see it in these.

Tummy Time

Tummy time was a hit briefly.


Sometimes Lee gets to perform for a captive audience.

Arm Rolls

He actually loves bath time. Too bad we didn't do as good of a job catching him smiling as we did catching his arm rolls and big belly in this photo.


Sometimes we fall asleep together.


I heart my...



Amos will only take a paci after he has had a bottle. Even then Daddy has to help out sometimes.